Pastor IRETIOLA AJANAKU’s Wife, JOY Tribute
I couldn’t imagine seeing myself going through this. Its like a dream that a loved one narrated to me which I renounced and made me detest the narrator of it but I have no choice than to accept my fate. I believe GOD has done the best for me. He doesn’t make the blunders, even if He does, no one dare question Him that is why HE is the unquestionable GOD. I only lost the mortal part of my greatest lover on earth, but your immortal part never depart from me, because you are in me and I’m in you both of us are in GOD ALMIGHTY. As for me, I believe I would drop my mortal being (dust) here on earth before you drop yours, but according to a saying that Man proposes, GOD disposes. I have always prayed for you that you should eat the fruit of your labour till CHRIST comes to take your soul away from your body into HIS kingdom. To take away your immortal being from your mortal being into HIS kingdom
I believe that your creator, your caller, your greatest lover {ALMIGHTY GOD}loves you most
I wish I could lay down my life for you. I wish I was able to see that giant spirit called death at that period taking your body away and change it with mine.
If CHRIST tarries HIS coming and I have another opportunity to come to this world again, and you also have another opportunity to come to this world again in another regime, I would definitely have you as my Prophet, husband and father of my children. I’m so much happy for your life that you were able to make enormous impact here on earth, I remember that your greatest joy on earth are several souls you were able to win into GOD’s kingdom.
Oko mi !Iretiola mi! You are not a snake that walked on a rock without any impact!
Okunrin meje nla , Akinkanju Ako Irin, Ajanaku koja mo ri Nkan firi tabari Erin kasope ari Erin Orisa Mi You are one in trillions
Blessed is The Day you entered the vehicle of this World, Blessed is the day you alighted. Blessed is the day I met you. Blessed are the days your mortal being spent on earth and Glorious is the day your mortal being departed from this disgusting World
I so much miss your Love. I miss how you do call me with your soft, tender and sonorous voice.
I now understand why you rechristened me JOY, because Whenever I remember the day I met you, Unspeakable Joy fills my heart, though I was a Christian by birth, but I never knew what it takes to become a bonafide child of GOD until I met you, GOD really used you to transforme my life beyond flesh’s expectation.
You connected me with the greatest lover of our souls {JESUS CHRIST}
Your real being makes me discover myself in GOD
You are my messiah in the greatest messiah {JESUS CHRIST}
You are a separate being, an extra ordinary being in an extra ordinary GOD
You are a perfect man dwelling in a perfect GOD
No one, I repeat, no one can fill your vacuum in my life,
You are a very scarce fruit of GOD’s mystery
The kingdom of earth and Kingdom of Heaven can’t afford to lose you, unfortunately the Kingdom of earth has lost you but fortunately the Kingdom of Heaven possesses you,
Heaven and earth shall pass away but Word of GOD and Kingdom of GOD shall remain forever.
There is a great and unending joy in Kingdom of Heaven
For your soul was lost from the world of atrocities but found in a home of an everlasting joy {Kingdom of GOD}
My greatest joy is that you made it
It is an unalterable fact that we shall meet again in your Father’s kingdom where many mansions are and JESUS CHRIST has prepared a special place for us to be where HE is.
Even if I should put my note into the walls of the world, or on all papers on earth, I would still have more than enough words to quantify my love for you.
Farewell! Farewell!! Farewell!!!
My Daddy
My Life
My Beauty
My Crown
My Daystar
My Eyes
My Heartbeat
My Sunshine
My Hero
We shall meet again to sing Alleluia and praises to the CREATOR of Heaven and earth in JESUS CHRIST Name {AMEN}
I love you but GOD loves you most.
“What You Don’t Know About My Daddy”
My Daddy, Prophet Elijah Iretiola Ajanaku is a Man with a pure heart and mind, He is a Man that believes in GOD so much, and he tells people more things about GOD, not allowing anyone to take GOD for granted.
Ever since I have been growing, My daddy made me know that GOD is real, JESUS CHRIST and HOLY SPIRIT exists and are very Real, and he taught I and my brother not to joke with the Word of GOD and anything that has to do with GOD, My daddy told us that nothing is impossible for GOD, He also told us that we should only hope in GOD and not human being. My daddy doesn’t allow I and my younger brother to fight, He always create peace amongst us.
I love my daddy because He is a caring, truthful, wonderful, honest, unpredictable, joyful, and a kind man. He believes in giving to people even the people that don’t have.
My daddy does the right thing at the right time, He preaches a lot of sermon, He is not an ignorant man. He understands people a lot, He doesn’t lack good things from GOD. He also accepts whatever GOD gives to Him, He taught us to be contended with whatever we have. My daddy never misuses GOD’s grace and instructions. He always prays for his family, ministry and people that have problems, and also My Daddy loves everyone including the people that hates him. You are the best Daddy in the world I love you so much.
My Daddy Was My Best Friend
-Son, Ark of GOD (Apoti Eri) AJANAKU
I thank GOD because My Daddy Prophet Ireti Ajanaku is My Father. My Daddy is a man that loves GOD, He always preaches in the church, after service He use to do worker’s meeting, He loves advising people a lot. My Daddy treats everyone equally. My daddy teaches people how to know GOD, My Daddy is a great man in GOD. My Daddy is always dressing fine and handsome, he will never dress like a bush man. My daddy always looks happy, He always forgive people that hurt him. My daddy always scold I and My Sister and disciplines us whenever we misbehave. My Daddy always play with I, my sister and my mummy when he is around.
My daddy is a very intelligent Man. He always holds meeting with people advising them from morning till night sometimes. My daddy is a prayerful man, He prays for us whenever we are going anywhere.
My daddy used to say “love your neighbour as yourself” and also “treat your neighbour the same way you love to be treated” My daddy is a very honest man, He is a polite man. He pays our school fees and also buys things for us and anyone around us. My daddy takes care of us a lot and He taught us how to pray. My daddy you are the best Father in the world, I love you so much.
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