+ Full Text of Rev. Chris Oyakhilome’s Special Live Service

The controversial di­vorce suit filed in court by Rev. Anita Oyakhilome, the estranged wife of the founder and General Overseer of Christ Embassy Church, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome, has continued to claim casualties especially in the London branch of the church. The first casualty was Rev Grace, who is said to have been sacked in May 2014. Though there are unconfirmed reports that Rev. Anita may have had issues as a Christ Embassy Council(CEC) member, the latest casualty is simply identified as Pastor Mitchell, a pastor who has been excommunicated for yet-to-be-disclosed reasons.

According to a church member, “Who is next on the hurricane route? have said that God is causing an implosion in this ministry and that Rev. Anita’s case is a means to an end, but many think I was just a disgruntled critic. Well, I urge everyone of you to see beyond this divorce saga. From the handling of the matter, it is easy to see that every action of the protagonist is like a frantic effort of a drowning captain in a sinking ship – every move is curious, every statement is incredulous.

“What happened to this erstwhile charismatic orator par excellence whose speech can convince a monkey to part with its banana? Like I have always maintained, pray for the followers. It is only when they know the truth and impress it upon their emperor that all will pray to God in unison. We all know that God can change the tide and time. But there has to be admittance of sin and plea for repentance.” In another development, Sharon Oyakhilome, the daughter of Chris & Anita Oyakhilome, has said she didn’t have a bikini party for her 21st birthday. In her words, “Just to clarify, there was no bikini party.” And in her latest posts though not directed at anyone, she disclosed that, “Don’t think that he confessed his way there, he did what he needed to do.In other words – faith without works is dead.”

JOHN 1:1-3
The Word is God and he made the world.
The Word created the world. The logos of God contains all the revelation of God in every expression in form (whether to a prophet or by enlightenment). That logos of God created the world.
John 1:14
The Logos of God became flesh.
Jesus is Gods thoughts and ideas made flesh, encapsulated in a human being.
He was the totality of God’s mind: He was God’s will revealed to us.
The Word gave birth to us.
Being born again is a scientific miracle.
2 Pet. 1:17-21
In spite of our experiences, the Word is more dependable than them.
No matter what happens in your life, take the Word as a light shining in a dark place. Even if you don’t have any inspiration, You can take the scriptures and suddenly the light will dawn on your heart and then you know the miracle is yours.
What an expression…. holy men of God.
There is a difference between a Man of God and a Preacher.
Solomon was a preacher. But David was called David the Man of God.
A Man of God may not start out as a Man of God.
Moses BECAME a Man of God when the revelation of Christ and His Church was given him at the Mount.
A man of God is given a revelation for men of Christ and His Church. Then that Man of God becomes like the rod of Moses which became the ROD OF GOD!!
When that man receives that revelation, it alters his life and necessity is laid on him and He could do nothing but fulfil the will of God.
Moses was a prophet, leader and preacher, but one day, he became Moses the Man of God.
Holy Men of God are separated by God.
Never speak against men of God. If you are trained in this ministry, you don’t speak against men of God.
To speak against a Man of God is to being curses into your life.
Men of God don’t just talk. They are moved by the Holy Ghost. When they speak, God moves on their behalf.
1 Peter 1:22-24
When you obey the truth of the Word of God, you purify your soul.
His word purifies us.
You want to purify your soul? Meditate on the Word of God.
When you make contact with ppl in the world and you feel dirty inside, get to the Word and purify your soul.
If you are truly walking in the light of God, you come into loving the brethren with an unfeigned love.
All the beauty of the flesh is for a time. There is a greater beauty that is inside. Work on that one: that is the one that God sees.
Jesus the Living Word has gone to heaven, but he left the Written Word so that we can meditate on it and live accordingly.
I live by the Word.
I must submit my thoughts, ideas and opinions to the Word. The Word must now control my perspective of life. It is not difficult. It brings you you to a position of advantage where God expresses Himself through you.
Prov. 13:13
He is not telling you God is mad at you to destroy you. But that you are walking the path of destruction by forsaking the Word.
What am I supposed to do?
Rom. 12: 1-2
There are people who are more and more conforming to this world even though they are Christians, but be transformed. It is a transfiguration.
Your life will begin to show the will of God.
3 Levels of God’s will:
A.The Good Will of God
B. The Acceptable Will of God
C. The Perfect Will of God
Some people have not changed the way they talk.
One of the key factors foe spiritual growth is WALKING IN LOVE. It is one of the signs that you are growing. You find you are more loving, considerate and accommodating of others.
Your words must reveal the wisdom of God
You have to make a distinction between the Wisdom of God and worldly wisdom.
If you express wisdom in anger, pride; that is worldly wisdom.
The wisdom of God is patient and kind; it is humble and easy to be intreated I.e easy to be negotiated with.
God hates a proud look!!
Everyone of us can multiply his grace by humility.
Put humility on as a cloak. Talk to yourself: ‘I refuse to walk in pride’ and act like it.
Be humble and God will promote you, then you start understanding the Word.
God will not give revelation to proud people, for it is holy-’cast

God will not give revelation to proud people, for it is holy-’cast not your pearl before swine’.
Pride stops you from enjoying the Word.
It is not about Pastor Chris, but the Word.
Learn to restrain yourself from inside.
If you love God, you will love those born of Him. When you find you have a problem with another child o f God, you have a problem-we all can’t be alike.
God wants to see what Christ is in each one of us. I love who God has made you. I love what you are in Christ: you are the most beautiful person in the world. Train yourself to think that way.
Not every person gets the revelation at the same time. The Spiritual one must recognize the carnal ones.
The Spiritual ones must help the carnal ones come out of carnality.
Just because you have been a Christian longer than another doesn’t mean you know more.
It is not about who came first but about the word. The Word has to have mastery over you.
Gal. 4:22-28
Notice the terms ‘bondwoman’ and the ‘free woman’.
The promise refers to the Word.
He is recalling the story of Hagar and Sarah.
This story is an allegory: an advanced metaphor.
The two ladies and children in this passage represent a spiritual message.
We are the children of the Word.
Fleshly minded people always persecute the spiritually minded people-As it was then, so it is now!!
We must identify with the Word, no matter what.
Rom. 9:6-8
There are teary scriptures like this one which causes you to weep.
They are not all of Israel, which are of Israel. The children of the flesh are not children of God and when the trumpet sounds at the rapture, they will not go!!
The Two children represent two kinds of Christians:
i. The children of the flesh and;
ii.The children of the spirit or the Word.
In your life, how are you living? By your opinions or by the Word?
Do you argue with the Word?
Is the Word controlling your thoughts?
This is the reason for teaching and preaching.
Rom. 8:1-6
The flesh here refers to the senses, to carnal ideas and man’s way of thinking.
How do you walk after the Spirit?
You walk in d spirit by living according to the Word.
Fleshly minded people don’t mind criticising the things in church.
Spiritually minded seek to please the Holy Ghost.
They don’t criticize the A.C in church or the giving in church.
They do something about it. They want to effect the change.
Carnal people don’t get to church on time; they are bothered by the number of givings in church.
They don’t shirk responsibilities in church. .. they are involved.
I refuse to be carnal.
I refuse to be fleshly minded.
Those who are in the flesh are only thinking of themselves and what will please them.
Spiritual People please the Holy Spirit.
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