Whenever I am privileged to tell couples that their sexuality does not only add to their lives but enhances their health, both physical and psychological, it seems to be an eye-opener for many people. Whenever any of the spouses is in the mood for sex, do you know that such partner is indirectly boosting his or her immune system or maintaining a healthy weight? Yes good sex offers those health benefits and more because we are vital, sexual creatures. Sex does the body good in a number of ways, the benefits aren’t just subjective but backed by scientific scrutiny.
Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody which can protect spouses from getting colds and other infections. While some older couples may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke, scientists found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke. Instead sex lowers blood pressure and overall stress. Having sex twice or more a week reduces the risk of fatal heart attack by half. Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the love hormone, this helps bond couples and intensifies orgasm. Positioning a pillow or using pillows under your wife’s buttocks before you get going in missionary position makes many wives climax more intensely and faster. This is due to the fact that many women after one or two normal virginal delivery lose sensitivities in the vaginal area. But when pillows are directly under the buttocks for support, the elevated buttocks help the husband to get to thrust in and out effectively. This also helps the husband to really know when his wife is climaxing or getting to orgasm, the husband will feel that his wife is squeezing, releasing her PC muscles and simultaneously contracting her vaginal muscles and as this is happening, she is actually reaching her climatic level of orgasm. I always encourage that whenever the husband notices this, he should gently intensify the thrusting.
Researchers evaluated few premenopausal women before and after warm contact with their husbands ending with hugs, affections, foreplay and romantic sex. They found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels. Sex is also a pain reliever, as the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. These chemicals calm pain, from a minor headache to arthritis or migraines, and with no secondary effects. So if you are always complaining of headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms, a sure natural pills with no side effect and no financial constraint is sex. Migraines also disappear because the pressure in the brain’s blood vessels is lowered while we have sex. So now we see that actually, a woman’s headache is rather a good reason for having sex, not against it.
Such symptoms improve after sex, because of higher oxytocin levels. In fact, sex helps anyone to sleep better because the oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research. And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Sex strengthens floor muscles for women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers lots of benefits. Married lovers will enjoy more pleasure, and the woman will also strengthen the pelvic area and help to minimise the risk of incontinence later in life. To do a basic Kegel exercise, all a woman has to do is tighten the muscles of her pelvic floor, as if one is trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release. Do these frequently and as often as you can. Sex reduces prostate cancer risk. Frequent ejaculations may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, boosting self-esteem was one reason people have sex, but overweight men with increase waist line are more likely to have poor semen quality. If you fall within this category, remember that sex is a good workout. If you’re looking to burn more calories, have more sex.
The husband should know how to suck his wife’s breast moderately which can increase her arousal, cause her to orgasm and prevent breast cancer. But scientists say until breast sucking is done in an erotic manner, some hormones that fight against cancer may not be released. So while starting off, use your hands to lightly outline the outer part of both breasts. Slowly this will help her nipples to become erect, use your lips to kiss the breasts. Start kissing the outline with your moist lips slowly. Then lightly squeeze those breasts together and kiss down the middle. Making your way close to each nipple, and lightly blow over them. Take each nipple into your mouth, and suck them. If her nipples are standing at erection, you can harden your tongue and flick it back and forth, and slowly take it into your mouth, at which point you will begin to suck and nibble simultaneously. But if her nipples are not hard, you can usually manipulate each one by sucking it and then releasing it from your mouth. If you can’t suck both together at the same time, suck one nipple, and lightly pinch the other with your thumb and index finger seductively.
Researchers estimated that healthy sexual fantasy assists the muscular and cardiovascular system to function healthier and better. An erotic fantasy is a product of the imagination that arouses a sexual emotion. Fantasies are often summed up as erotic scenes, seen or imagined, which we enjoy replaying in our heads. Also fantasy can also be an idea, an impression or a feeling. Fantasies are not only sexual; they can be about any topic that awakens human desire and pleasure. But sexual fantasies are in direct contact with our psyche and therefore have such power of arousal. They represent the fulfillment of subconscious sexual desires, through psychic processes. Erotic fantasies are created from scenes seen or experienced during adolescence or later in adult years and when channelled in a healthy way, it enhances the better function of the heart muscle and the general body muscular system. In fact, it can also aid a pregnant woman in child birth labour to have a faster delivery because it has an indirect effect on the vaginal wall, by allowing the vaginal smooth muscles to relax fast and expand better. But there is a note of warning here; research has found out that pregnant women who want to experience this type of easy virginal delivery should not ‘eat for two’. Pregnant women who eat for two and gain too much weight are at greater risk of having complications than those who stick to a healthy diet, even when they can fantasise well. Until I come your way next time, I still remain your loyal one and only bedroom instructor, have a sex filled weekend.
My case is a little bit odd
My clitoris is located so close to my vagina, I get wet easily but my husband penis is very small. It slips out easily and I reach orgasm too quickly. I am not enjoying sex the way I should. Do I need a surgery to correct it?
Mrs Robert Kinto
I think the only surgery you need is a mental one and some few tricks. First, settle it in your mind that you are not odd; you just have mild clitoral misplacement. Secondly, as I said last week, no more tears for small penis. There is a drug and material from China that takes care of that. Please call me for detail information on how to get it. Then you have to often than normal, have sex in a doggy style position to stop yourself from being driven crazy with desire during intercourse.
My wife says smell of my sperm irritates her
My wife doesn‘t want sex as often as I do and I understand that this is typical of some women. But if my need seems great and she‘s not in the mood, is it okay for me to try to warm things up? What herbs can I take to produce a sperm that does not smell?
Siji Abeamudeen
Hi Siji, the avenue to sexual satisfaction for women is definitely relational. If you do the things that your wife needs, you are much more likely to succeed. Those things include listening to her (sometimes to what seems to you very irrelevant things), sharing your own feelings (even when they seem trivial to you), giving her lots of attention (eye contact) and not pressuring her for sex (give her plenty of nonsexual touching and attention).
When you‘re sharing your feelings, you can make it clear to your wife what you have in mind. It might be a good idea to try this approach when you are not feeling desperate for sex.
Discuss that possibility with your wife, and strive for openness and honesty with each other. Talking is a wonderful way to connect emotionally before you try to connect sexually.
Understanding female sexuality can be a real challenge, but it‘s essential if you want to connect with your wife. This could help you understand your wife, and it could be a springboard for talking with her about your differences. She needs to understand the intensity of your feelings and drive just as much as you must discover what increases her response. The sperm has a characteristic odour except you have been infected with some types of sexually transmitted infections. Visit the doctor, you do not need to take any herbs. Your wife will get used to the odour as time goes on.
Get me a vibrator
When we newly got married, all went well sexually between us. His penis was hard, strong and active, but lately, what I noticed is that, my husband’s penis shrinks inside him by the day. As if that is not enough, it takes him ages to get aroused and sometimes he may never ‘get up’. Then as soon as we are celebrating his arousal, he goes softer like an over-ripe banana stick. I am fed up; I need you to get me a vibrator. I am not sure things can ever get better because it has been like this for years. I have lost hope in him and his penis. For me, in his penis is just a decoration and nothing more. Please do not preach to me, just get me a good vibrator.
Mrs. Odopolo Ejiro
Hi Odopolo, you said when you were newly married, sex was ‘ebano.’ Now that things are not rosy, you want to back out? No! Please before you resign to your faith; both of you can visit a sex therapist together. Remember the marriage relationship is for better for worse. I am certain both of you can weather the storm together and get permanent solution for his sexual challenge.
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