The controversial Facebook page, Where Is Rev Anita Oyakhilome, was heated in the early hours of today when an anonymous post titled Stop This Wickedness was published on the timeline. According to the message, “Is it just me or is the way this whole thing with Rev Anita Oyakhilome is being handled scary? It is scary because this is one of the pillars of a great Ministry that has blessed and raised many the world over being knocked down. She’s literally being torn apart while the congregation acquiesces at statements like ‘When it comes to Rev Anita, what I’d say to you – pray for her’; ‘If you’re married to a man of God, it doesn’t make you automatically mature…it’s a positional thing’.
“This is a woman who is losing her family. A woman who is losing the man she adores and gave her everything to further the vision God gave him. A woman – SOMEBODY ELSE’S DAUGHTER who is not only being dragged through the mud but being humiliated in such a public way. WHY? All because she asked for the privileges of a wife. Yes, that’s all…nothing out of the ordinary. All she did was to be vulnerable, let her humanity show and ask for the company of a man she married and the father of her girls. Why is this complicated? Why does this feel like war? Why in God’s name does it feel like her reputation is being tarnished so she can be hung out to dry & executed by public opinion?
“Does anyone see her beyond the title (which funnily enough she seems to be stripped of now that she’s isn’t playing ball)? Does anyone see Anita? J.U.S.T A.N.I.T.A? Does anyone know how alone and afraid she must feel right now? How confused and helpless? The rug literally being pulled off her feet? Yes, she asked for the divorce but only because she was between a rock and a hard place. I mean, what’s the point of giving your whole life for a cause that seems to have taken love and life as it should be away from you? Sure, in our pursuit of the things of God we would make sacrifices and the more responsibility you have the more sacrifices you’re likely to make. But to take your family away from you for such an extended period? This is not God’s order! God is One who puts the lonely in families; He doesn’t remove people from families to make them lonely.
“If this pulls at your heart strings at all, please pray for Rev. Anita as we’ve been asked to; not because there is anything wrong with her but because she is a human being like you & I and she shouldn’t have to go through this …it’s unnecessary, unfair and pretty scary if you ask me. If you have any position of authority in Christ Embassy, speak out! Don’t just sit there and acquiesce when you’re being told Rev Anita who co-wrote the devotional you read for so many years is immature…please say something. Say something because “…if you persist in staying silent at a time like this, help and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from someplace else; but you and your family will be wiped out. Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14 MSG) I’m not saying if you keep silent you’ll literally be wiped out but it’s not impossible that somewhere down the line you or someone you know will receive the same traumatic treatment.So please pray & speak up because this is not right on any level.”
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