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Star actress, Tonto Dikeh took to Twitter in the early hours of today to talk about how she starts her daily activities at home. She disclosed via Twitter/Instagram with a photo of her that, ” This is me on my mummy Duties,Am cold Af, A lil tired from sleeping for 4hours N sleepless on my Bed so I decided to do a Niggas Walk with my Babies**I normally wakeup Around 5 am n Take my Kids out for morning Runs n Dirty business n clearing of their Head n mind for Active Ness within the walls of our Villa..THIS IS THE BEST PART OF THEiR DAY,IF I MISS A MIN. I’ll b sure to get A big push from my kids on my Door like a knock,Lol . weirdos …This process Helps me too #How I start my day everyday when am HOME* #Pls Do only what keeps you Happy,Dont Force it* #GOOD MORNING MY NIGGAS”.For those not in the know, the babies Tonto refers to her her lovely dogs.
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