“My Cartier Watch Has 320 Diamonds And 1 Tsavorite” + Photos – Island Big Babe
Jennifer Obayuwana is the daughter of John Obayuwana, founder and managing director of Polo Luxury Group (PLG), the holding company of the leading luxury goods companies in West Africa – Polo Limited and Polo Avenue. The foremost luxury goods retailer specialises in high-end watches, writing instruments, and accessories. Due to the rampant sales of fake high-end watches in Nigeria by some “briefcase-sellers”, Jennifer who is an Executive Director at the Polo Luxury Group has warned buyers of luxury watches to watch out for these fakes. She instagrammed this with a caption, ” My Cartier Pasha Skeleton has 320 diamonds and 1 Tsavorite. The difference between buying a FAKE and the original is where you shop. Our new advert campaign says it all. Polo is the official retailer #nobasics #pololuxury #cartier #poloprincess #officialretailer #saynotobriefcasesellers”.
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