Woman changes name to Abcdefg Hijklmn Opqrst Uvwxyz

A Colombian woman recently changed her name to include all 26 letters in alphabetical order. Her first name is Abcdefg Hijklmn while her last name is Opqrst Uvwxyz.

Before the latest change in nomenclature, the 36-year-old was called ‘Ladyzunga Cyborg’, a name she came up with along the line. She is notorious for the act but her latest stunt is believed to be extremely bizarre.

The Colombian in a recent television interview said: “I started looking for a name that nobody had in Colombia, or the world, so I thought about ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWXYZ.

“I’ve changed my name so people wouldn’t know it’s me. It’s not because I was disturbed by it, but because I always wanted to bring an element of surprise.”

Well, she sure did surprise Colombian National Registry officials with her highly unusual request. While they’ve accepted her previous name changes with raised eyebrows, they seemed to be particularly bothered by this latest one.

According to telegraph.co.uk, the woman actually started the process to change her name to alphabet in 2012 but spent a year fighting against government red tape before receiving an official ID card in 2013.

The 36-year-old works as an arts teacher and fashion designer during the day while going about her strange lifestyle at night.
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