It can be truly terrifying for guys, enough to make any date reach a critical point of wanting to crawl out of the nearest window. Its women wearing too much make up! This may be the least attractive and unsettling fashionable faux pas that any woman can undertake.
At all costs it should be avoided lest you want truly want to look like the side-kick to a serial killer. Take it from someone that deals with mild to severe nausea every time a young lady pops into view with a face covered in enough powder to bake a cake; take it down a notch.
Why It Can Make Us Run for the Hills
While I can only speak for the practical men who aren’t badly misguided chauvinist pigs (I’m running under the assumption that you ladies are way too clever to fall for that), the run-of-the-mill guy gets deeply creeped-out by an excess in the makeup department.
It can seem like the wearer of excess beauty products is hiding something. What that something is, we’re not quite sure; is it some crazy scar you got in a bar brawl in Kisumu? Is there some kind rampantly contagious skin infection that should have you quarantined? Perhaps the most damaging possibility; could it be that you are deeply insecure with yourself to the point where you can’t even look like yourself?
All Men Are Afraid of This
No matter what they tell you otherwise, all of us men share the same common fear; that of a deeply crazy woman.
Not that ‘women are a little nuts, men are kind of jerks’ thing, but real terminal madness that will only present itself when a guy wakes up tied to a bed post with an engagement ring duct taped to his finger. For a lot of guys, a girl being very insecure is a one way trip to crazy town, and that’s a trip that we all want to avoid.
The moral of the story is this; the kind of guy that runs anywhere close to dateable is the kind that likes women to be confident, together and in control of their self-image. It goes without saying that make up is a bit over rated anyway and women are more than beautiful enough to go with minimal make up or to strike it entirely (unless you have that contagious skin condition, in which case dating should be a lower priority than a hospital visit).
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