Ghana Bizman, Martin Anderson Executed In Imdonesia For Drugs
A Ghanaian, Martin Anderson was last Thursday executed in Indonesia for drug-related charges.Anderson together with eight others were part of an 8.3kg heroin trafficking ring dubbed the ‘Bali Nine’ who were convicted of attempting to smuggle the drugs out of Indonesia to Australia in 2005. They were sentenced to death in February 2006 and have been living in Kerobokan prison in Bali. The other eight who faced the firing squad are: Filipina Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, Nigerian Raheem Agbaje Salami, Serge Areski Atlaoui of France, Indonesian Zainal Abidin, Silvester Obikwe of Nigeria and Rodrigo Gularte, a paranoid schizophrenic man from Brazil whose family has desperately fought to be transferred to a hospital. Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran both Australians were the leaders of the gang. Indonesia plans to hold the Australians and eight other convicted drug traffickers in one of the island’s prisons before they are simultaneously killed by firing squads in the middle of the night.
Martin Anderson has NOT been executed
He is still facing execution with 9 others in Indonesia
Sentenced to death after being convicted of possessing 50 grams of heroin in 2003
He has had no consular representation in all those years
Executions are against International Law - the EU, UN, Amnesty International, & High Commission of Human Rights all denounce the actions of the Indonesian Government for the previous executions in January and have warned them not to continue with the death penalty
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