‘Why it is difficult for celebrities to get married’ – KALU IKEAGWU

TALENTED actor, Kalu Ikeagwu who is said to be in his elements when it comes to acting on stage or on silver screen had an interview with ENCOMIUM Weekly on who his ideal woman is, why he is yet to be married and more.

How would you describe your career?

I have set a path for myself, and my career has been a blessing.  So far, it has been very fulfilling and as well as putting food on my table.

How challenging has it been?

The challenges never end.  Right from the outset when I was about joining the industry, I only got support from my brother and sister.  It has been challenging also because I didn’t see the industry as a good way to earn a living.  Along the way, I lost my privacy.  I couldn’t walk on the street like before.  The other challenges come from the moral aspect of the industry because it’s an industry that allows you a lot of freedom to do whatever you want to do, and so it is very easy to become immoral.  I also play more of conventional roles that are more or less challenging and it pushed me a little further.

What has been the pains and gains so far in your career?

There used to be a lot of pains before, the reason being that when I started, I wasn’t paid enough.  Other pains are that I haven’t been able to earn enough as I expected.  The gain so far is that, there is a perfect balance in my life.  And the biggest gain is showing the world the gift God has given me.

Can you share with us the secret of your success?

I don’t really see myself as successful yet, though a lot of people see me as successful.  I think it is God.  Where I have gone to so far, I still have a lot more to do.  The biggest currency in life is believe.  I believe I can do it, no matter the dreams. I believe that there is God behind me.  I put all my dreams, my future and my aspirations in His Hand and He has never failed me.  I believe God is my ability.  That is my secret.

You were involved in a skill acquisition programme sometime back for youths in Lagos, can you tell us a little about it?

It was just to help youths to know what they want as career.

When last did you feature in a movie?

Last week. I featured in a movie, One Minute Man.  Two weeks ago, I featured in a movie as well, Taxi Driver, where I played the role of a very educated taxi driver which I was very happy to play.  I have also featured in about four movies this year.

What determines the kind of script you accept?

What determines the script I accept is the quality and the morals behind it.  I can’t feature in movies that are boring.  My movies must have something to teach, entertain and inform so that you can learn something.  Any role I play in a movie doesn’t matter to me, what matters is that you must have something to learn from the movie.

The other thing that determines whether I do a movie or not is before I accept the script, I always ask myself whether my mom can watch the movie.  If she can, I do it.  If she can’t, I don’t do it.

What is your opinion about the state of the industry?

I think the industry has a brighter future.

Who would you say is your ideal president for Nigeria?

I can’t really tell who my ideal president is, because what one was before he came to power and what he is after are two different things.  The only thing I can say is, whoever God wants to put in the place, let Him do it because we are suffering too much.  I think my ideal president should be someone who cares for the people.  That is the kind of person I’m praying God to put in place.

What do you expect from the next president?

The next president has a lot of work to do. Goodluck Jonathan has done very well, such as setting up the manufacturing sector, the agriculture sector.  But now, we need a very strong president because oil price has fallen.  We have seen there is a little future for us.  He should also look at other sectors that could earn money such as the manufacturing sector, the agriculture sector and most importantly the educational sector so that we start grooming a new set of leaders.

There are so many things I’m expecting from the next president such as infrastructure, so that our roads will not be destroyed by heavy haulage trucks travelling every day.  Our next president, like I said, I want God to choose him.

Do you think it is difficult for celebrities to get married?

I don’t think it is difficult because with God all things are possible, in the sense that when you focus on God and allow Him to direct you, you will find the right person.  But sometimes I think where it is difficult is because you need the right person who will give you the freedom you need and also respect you as a celebrity.  This is where I think it is difficult.  But to me, I don’t think it is difficult.

Who do you consider your ideal woman?

There are a lot of things I would like my ideal woman to possess.  Number one, she must have an unshakeable love for God as I do.  And even if it’s the only thing she has, I am okay.  But she must have the fear of God. She must also have a close relationship with God which is most important.

Why are you not married?

Because I’m yet to find the right person to settle down with.  I mean, that person that I love so much and want to spend the rest of my life with.  I will get married but let it be according to the will of God.  Marriage is an important institution, so it has to be the will of God.  I want to be successful in my marriage just as I’m successful in my career.

When do you intend to walk down the aisle?

I will get married when I find the right person and when I see the lady who is showing the right sign of a wife material.

What should your fans be expecting from you this year?

They should expect a lot of things this year.  I am going to impact a lot of things in the lives of people, as I’m working on so many projects that will benefit my fans out there in 2015, both the young and old.
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