As a way out, he however said the government’s door was opened to the insurgents for dialogue and reconciliation, if they renounce terrorism and embrace peace.

Jonathan, in a nationwide Democracy Day broadcast, said foreign elements were collaborating with some misguided Nigerians  to bring down the country as well as its democracy and freedom.

He said the April 14 abduction of schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State showed the heartless brutality of the terrorists who he said wanted to instigate a descent into anarchy and balkanize the nation

He said, “It is a sad fact that as I address you today, all the gains of the past 15 years of democratic governance in our country are threatened by the presence of international terrorism on our shores.

“Our dear country, Nigeria is facing a new challenge. A war has been unleashed on us. Extremist foreign elements, collaborating with some of our misguided citizens, are focused on an attempt to bring down our country and the democracy and freedom we cherish and celebrate today.

“The despicable abduction of school girls from Chibok in Borno State has brought to the awareness of the entire world, the heartless brutality of these terrorists who want to instigate a descent into anarchy and balkanize our nation.

“In recent years, terrorist attacks have claimed the lives of several of our compatriots, many have been  injured or maimed, whole villages and communities have been destroyed and the economy of some of our states  is in jeopardy.

“There can be no doubt that what we are witnessing in Nigeria today is a manifestation of the same warped and ferocious world view that brought down the Twin Towers in New York, killed innocent persons in Boston and led to the murder of defenceless people in the Southern Russian city of Volgograd.

“Terrorist activities have brought war and pains to Mali, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These agents of evil continue to brainwash and incite ignorant young men and women to attack the innocent. We cannot allow this to continue.”

Jonathan said he welcomed the statements of solidarity from patriotic citizens and the global community in support of his government’s efforts to stamp out terrorism.

He also applauded the understanding that in a democracy, people could have differences while sharing worthy values and standing together in opposition to the scourge of terrorism.

The President said since Nigeria is the only country Nigerians have, they must all work to preserve it for present and future generations.

He commended the nation’s security services despite the daunting challenges.

He urged Nigerians not to forget their gallantry and successes in liberating nations and in peacekeeping, from Liberia to Sierra Leone,  Congo, Sudan, Mali, Guinea-Bissau and many places in Africa and beyond, saying they paid the supreme price in several places at several times.

“Today, they face a different challenge, an unconventional war by terrorists. They are adjusting and are being equipped to tackle the new menace of terrorism.

“We must show confidence in their ability. I have no doubt that, with the support of Nigerians, our neighbours and the international community, we will reinforce our defence, free our girls and rid Nigeria of terrorists.

“It is now 45 days since the horrifying abduction of the college girls of Chibok. I share the deep pain and anxiety of their parents and guardians and I assure them once again that government will continue to do everything possible to bring our daughters home.

” I am determined to protect our democracy, our national unity and our political stability, by waging a total war against terrorism. The unity and stability of our country, and the protection of lives and property are non-negotiable. I have instructed our security forces to launch a full-scale operation to put an end to the impunity of terrorists on our soil.

“I have also authorized the security forces to use any means necessary under the law to ensure that this is done. I assure you that Nigeria will be safe again, and that these thugs will be driven away – it will not happen overnight, but we will spare no effort to achieve this goal.

“For our citizens who have joined hands with Al Qaeda and international terrorists in the misguided belief that violence can possibly solve their problems, our doors remain open to them for dialogue and reconciliation, if they renounce terrorism and embrace peace.

“My government, while pursuing security measures, will explore all options, including readiness to accept unconditional renunciation of violence by insurgents, and to ensure their de-radicalization, rehabilitation and re-integration into the broader society,” he added.

The President said Nigerians must remain united to win the war against terrorism.

He said all of them must work together with security agencies and armed forces to overcome the terrorists.

While admitting that the war against terror may be difficult, he assured Nigerians that the days of peace will come again.

He said terror is evil and nowhere in history has evil endured forever.

“The menace of Boko Haram will surely come to an end. I believe that because of your prayers, your courage, hardwork, faith and sacrifice, we will ultimately prevail over the terrorists and all other evil forces.

“We are a strong, resilient and courageous people.  We will continue to partner with the civilized world, to confront international terrorism and every other challenge that comes our way with patriotic zeal and determination.

“Yes, we have challenges but we will surely overcome. Nigeria is our country. Nigeria is blessed. We will all collectively protect, defend and develop this country for ourselves, and our children,”Jonathan said.

Despite the security challenges however, Jonathan said Nigeria had come a long way and made notable progress since its first Democracy Day on May 29, 1999 when the military finally relinquished power and handed over to a democratically-elected government.

He said although he had ordered a low-key commemoration of this year’s Democracy Day in deference to the current mood of the nation, there was no doubt  that the past 15 years have been a blessing to Nigerians.
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