The conclusion of the FIFA World Cup has left television viewers with little to choose from in terms of programmes that can keep them glued to the television screen. Nigerian women have returned to their first love, telenovela.

Telenovela are foreign television soap operas centred on themes such as betrayal, deceit, trust, romance, family and most especially, love. Telenovelas are known for human interest story lines, which establish strong sentimental connections between the characters and the audience, as well as generating deep emotions in them and strong emotions such as sympathy, pain, uproar, disdain, amusement, empathy, relief, joy – in reaction to the unfolding drama.

They are produced in Portuguese and Spanish, but with voice translation in English to suit the Nigerian audience. An online magazine spoke to a cross section of women on why they love the TV soap.

These are their responses…

Oyindamola Oyeniyi, early twenties:
“Me and telenovelas are like 5 and 6, we are like best friends. I enjoy watching all the ups and downs, the painful heart breaks, the annoying deceit and cheating – all these make it interesting to watch. My favourite part is usually when a couple who are in love finally get married, after fighting family disapproval. I usually have favourite characters and we become one. I even feel what they feel. I can’t describe the feeling in words. My favourite is Woman of Steel, I really like the way she bounced back after her serious heart break.”

Katherine Okeh, mid 20s:
“I cannot really say I love watching telenovelas because of a particular reason. Seriously, I just can’t say. But I know that I don’t miss any of them that interests me. I can go some length to ensure I don’t miss it. I also purchase the DVD collection if I see OT in the market. I think one of the things that make me love telenovela is, even though they are love stories, they teach life lessons. They are a girl’s best friend. Despite my work, I make out time to watch them. I love Forbidden Passions and the Long Wait.”

Sarah Oluwatobiloba, early 20s:
“Me, I like them a lot. The way you men like football is the same way we women like love stories. Even before telenovelas became popular, we used to read love novels, so telenovelas are like watching those love novels. If you ask me, there is no difference. One of the reasons I watch it is because of the lessons I get. sometimes, you may not even know these things have a way of affecting you, but when you are in similar situations, you’d know you’ve learnt something from watching it. Also, the stories are well researched, so they have lessons for the whole family, not just women. The ones I like are Cruel Love and Pasion Morena. “

Stella Anosike, early 20s:
“I watch them for a lot of reasons. Aside everything else, the pretty faces make me watch it. The girls are just so fine, they have perfect faces, even as woman I dey trip. The guys, too. They usually have very fine guys, with abs. But on a more serious note, which lady wouldn’t watch telenovelas. They are lots of life lessons to be learnt. And more importantly, they treat feminine issues, from sexual harassment to emotional torture and the likes. I love confession of stars, Passion Morena, Maid In Manhattan, they are just plenty that I really like.”

Cynthia Oboh, mid 20s:
What is funny, women love telenovelas, men love football. So whenever it is time for any of the two, we know who owns the television for that period of time. Telenovelas are one of the best things to happen to television in a long while, before now we were forced to watch recycled. Nigerian drama, where only the faces are changed but same storyline. Telenovelas are very gripping, with suspense that would make you not want to miss any episode. That’s why I personally love watching it. Aside these, they teach morals, even if their culture differs from ours, but still you learn some principles that would help you be better in your relationships. And you know we Nigerians are suckers for anything imported, so you don’t expect us not to like telenovelas more than our locally-produced soap operas. My Heart Beats For Lola is one that I love so much, as well as Aurora.”

Bukola Adeboye, early 20s:
I am a very selective person, so it reflects in almost everything I do. From the people I call my friends, to what I watch on television. That’s why I love telenovelas. My picky nature won’t allow enjoy watching our indigenous soaps, they just don’t seem to get it right sometimes. So as a result I watch the foreign counterpart instead. For me, the quality of the production, the sound is just very good. Very appealing to the senses. The settings for the scenes also captivate me. Especially, the romantic scenes, they just always find the nicest places for it. Aside all these, I learn a lot from watching telenovelas. Things that I apply every day. The ones I like? Many of them, from Forbidden Passions to Pasion Morena, to ‘My Heart Beats For Lola I love all of them.”
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