Controversial singer and self-acclaimed Naija bad girl, Maheeda is a social media phenomenon who needs no introduction. Born Caroline Sam, she is best known for her controversial pictures. In this interesting interview with an Online Entertainment Platform, the pretty lady Maheeda shares her motivation, admiration and all that keeps her going on the controversial path she has chosen.
The nude pictures of you often on social media, what are they all about?
Attention! Just drawing attention to myself.
Because I know people will love it.
Does it mean your music can’t get you the attention you want?
I tried, it didn’t work.
But your nude pictures are working negatively?
Really, my music didn’t sell. I didn’t make money.
So, you feel uploading your nude pictures online is the right thing to do?
I don’t know if it is the right thing to do but we all take risk. I just tried it, and it worked.
Has your music career experienced any uplift then?
Yes, definitely.
Did you consider the negative impact, that it will damage your personality?
Yes, I did. People are too scared to take risk, if you want to take risk it’s like going into an airplane and you are like it is going to crash? you just have to go, if you won’t go to anywhere. So I wasn’t really thinking or worried about the other party. I am just concerned about the positive result or feedbacks that I will get.
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in the past?
There are lots, I just really want to survive, considering where I am coming from, being an orphan, I am not really educated. I stopped schooling in JSS2, So, I was wondering what can I do, sit in an office, go to Mr Biggs and work, I said to myself no, I think I have to do what I have to do. The only thing that is really working for me now is not even my voice can I sing like Tiwa Savage, but my body, so if this is a gift I have from God, then I will use it well.
At what age did you start having sex?
I started having sex when I was 16, and after then, I just went gaga. I hit the streets because, then it was just boyfriend, teenage school kind of things and after then I just realized I really need help, I couldn’t pay for my school fees anymore, my mum died and my guardians also were broke, they were really facing hard times, so I decided I am going to use my body.
You were once into prostitution?
Actually, first of all, I was an house help, then I tried working at the club, as a bar tender but luckily for me where I was selling drinks, I see all these club girls came around and I felt they weren’t as beautiful as I am and seated are the guys ordering me around, you know as a bar tender. So, I concluded I could do it to like the club girls, I left the bar tending job, trying to do what they do. It was still in my first year of trial that I met my man, who is my husband now, So, I didn’t even really last long in that clubs girls hustle. My husband’s approach then was like hey what is a beautiful girl like you doing at a club like this, so I started explaining my life and he said I am going to give you hope, till today, we are still together.
How much were you paid back then for your first sexual business encounter?
I can’t remember, no I can’t remember.
What basically gave you that impression you could do music?
During school days, when I was still in Nursery school, we do these cultural dance when we do end of the year party. I loved being the centre of attraction, then attention, I always want o have the Microphone and sing plus, I also liked giving special numbers in Church. Yeah, it all started during school days.
Do you still go to church?
Yes, of course, but I can’t remember the last time I went though.
What state are you from?
I am from Edo State, they said. They said my father is from Edo State.
Tell us the development that has happened to your musical career now?
Right now, I have a tour in Australia and before then, I was in Paris, and Rome. Though the internet, people contact my management that ok we want this lady. What I did in Rome was just guest appearance, sit by some big boys and hold champagne before you know it, I am paid $3,000. So that came about the influence of the pictures and what I did on the internet, I am making money but what I am doing in Australia is like a tour, I am just going to perform.
Your single Oko Yampia brought you into limelight, then you took some time off, and the news went round you became a born again, what really happened?
Sometimes you see celebrities, you really don’t know what they are going through, you think when we are on TV everything is ok, then I was really facing depression stress, I thought I was going to die. It was just too much drama and I felt like I was doing the wrong thing. It is one of those mental depressions that’s why I encourage education. There are lots of mental people working around, you think they are complete, I was really in that position and the only thing I could do was just go to church and submit myself to God. That is where the born again thing started. I went to God and I said I need you to help me, during those years, I was down and I became born again.
A whole lot of people thought it was publicity stunt.
No, it was real. I was facing a whole lot of drama.
So what happened to the calling from God, you being born again?
Sometimes you just think you are supposed to be a pastor when you get born again but not all of us will actually get to the pulpit. So the more I educated myself, the more I realize I don’t have to be on the altar.
Will you go back to school to study?
I will love to but I have a daughter, I think I should push her instead.
Is she interested in music too?
No, in acting but I am just trying to show her first, the difference between screen and real life even though she is really not catching it now but let’s see how it goes.
How old is she?
She is 13 years old.
Sometimes ago in an interview, you once said you can’t do without sex, is that true?
I just wanted to put something out there, just giving people what they want to hear, people don’t want to hear me being a good girl, they want to hear Maheeda is bad, Maheeda is this, so I am just giving them what they need to hear, I have to feed my fans.
Do you ever think about where you will end up when you die, heaven or hell, because of all these nude pictures you upload?
I thought about it but one thing I believe is what the Bibles says, if you believe in Jesus, you won’t perish and I believe, that is all. It didn’t state that if you pose nude, you won’t go to heaven, you can go and read it again, it says if you believe, “whosoever believe will not perish.”
Away from Maheeda, tell us about the real you?
Caroline Sam, a mother, good wife, soft like chicken, I love watching movies.
How do your husband’s family react to your bold character of putting nude pictures online?
They are not bothered. In Holland, when it comes to TV commercials people almost go completely naked, so , me wearing pants, G-strings and all to them, have not even started because it is normal for them. Recently, my husband’s mother got me a modeling job and I’ll have to pose nude, she said you have to be naked and I am like of course.
What do you think your daughter’s thoughts are about you considering your nude acts?
I don’t know really, what I know is what she tells me. She tells me, I love you and I am proud of you. For example, there was a day I went to her dancing school because I put her up for dancing classes, she had to perform solo and she couldn’t at first but later she danced and went gaga. My daughter came to me and said mummy, do you know what I remembered when I was dancing, I said no, and she told me I remember you on stage, tears came down my eyes, so she is proud of me. One of the reasons, I left Nigeria is because of her education, I really don’t want her to school here, want her to have a different mindset, she is having it and I love it.
What if she decides to take after you, doing the same thing you are exposed to what’ll be your reaction?
I’ll be beside my daughter, no matter what, that is the love I am preaching to people anyway. God will never throw me away because of who I am. There is a love of a mother, even if your daughter is covered with faeces, you still hold your daughter. No matter, what my daughter decide to do, I’ll support her. “I will only teach her from experience not to fall.
How about if she goes into prostitution?
I don’t know what I will do because nobody stopped me. When it comes to children, the best thing you can do to them is education and support. If you try to stop them, they will just run away and do it anyway.
With the popularity you have gained, has anybody come forward to claim they are your family?
No, not yet, I am looking forward to it. Who knows, maybe they won’t because of my bad image.
How do you cope with your male fans?
Some of them see me and they press my ass, it’s ok.
You don’t go gaga on them?
First of all, my reaction as Caroline will be what are you doing but then as Maheeda, I will ask them, oh do you like it?
Does your husband follow you to shows?
My husband doesn’t want to be in the limelight, he is a private person. Sometimes, I try to put his pictures, his reaction is don’t do that, I don’t want it.
Apart from music, what do you do?
Modelling,I model.
What are you working on at the moment in terms of music?
Two singles, two videos, maybe this December or they will be released in January, 2015.
Is it going to be a nude affair again?
No, I don’t think so.
Will there be any Nigerian music artist features?
I am working on some but I will leave that as a surprise.
Any international collaboration?
That will be nice but it is very expensive, I am still looking for money.
You have been compared to the likes of Cossy Orjiakor, any competition going on between both of you?
She is doing her job, I am doing mine. I don’t see any competition, we are just like really different people. I only see them as I see myself, I only see ladies that really want to make it in life and probably they are using what they have, I respect their hustle.
Do you see them as role models?
I am not sure I have any role model, yes, maybe Oprah Winfrey but then she doesn’t dress nude.
With what you do and what you post on the internet, do you get advances from men to sleep with them?
Most of them, because of what they see, get turned on and I don’t blame them but whenever they call, they get turned down because that is not what I am about. I want the attention doesn’t mean I want to sleep with the whole Nigeria.
Does your husband get jealous and question your faithfulness?
No, he doesn’t. He loves and trusts me, I am a faithful wife. It is not by short skirts, long skirt also goes up you know, because you see me doing that doesn’t mean I am that bad.
Any plans to have more children?
Yes, I was even thinking next year but because of music, the new singles I need to push, maybe, maybe not, could be in two years time.
When should we be expecting your album?
Next year definitely, no title yet but I am thinking something that has to do with duo personality.
Where did you get your name Maheeda from?
I just love it. I love the sound of it but yeah they said it means blessing.
Looking back, while growing up, how did you feel not having parents?
Sometimes I cry, later I said I am an emotional person, I feel bad but it is ok, I have to stay strong.
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