Lechi Eke is the Chairman/MD of Power In The Word a TREM publication. Recently, he wrote the biography of Bishop Mike Okonkwo, as he turned 69. In the inspiring write up he described the bishop as a great visionary of our time, his name is Chukwunweike Michael Okonkwo who was born September 6, 1945. No, he wasn’t born in a manger. He was born with a silver spoon though from a middle class family, comfortable home, great orthodox Christian background, good education – Mayflower, et al, and by all indications, a promising son. However, just an encounter with Jesus, the whole scenario changed. He resigned from his promising banking career, quit smoking and drinking, shunned ladies of easy virtue and headed for the pulpit. Like Moses, he abhorred being called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter and chose to identify with God’s people. Like Daniel, he shunned the King’s meat and chose simple meals of vegetables. He was focussed, he was determined, just how determined, his all-purpose, T-shirt could tell. It read – Repent or Perish. Later, his determination shone through slogans like: Pray until something happen (PUSH), Power-In-The-Word; what the world cannot give you it does not exist or you don’t need it!
This man was too far-gone, completely lost by the devil, totally sold out to God, his heart throbbed for the Master’s work, and nothing could bring him back, not event a threat of losing his fiancee to his parents’ urging that she should leave if he doesn’t turn back from the craze of his decision to become a Pastor. All was like water on the back of a duck!
Of course the mistakes were made, seeking Jesus in dry places. When he realised his mistake, he retraced his footsteps, The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) was born, first as (TREM), Redeemed Evangelical Mission. In January 1, 1981 the church that started in Rev. Moses Iloh’s sitting-room was officially named, TREM. But not until August 1982 was it registered as a Ministry.
The journey was anything but smooth and easy but they must have had Evangelist Mike Okonkwo in mind when they said that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Like the Israelites in Goshen on the night they left Egypt, he was upstanding, his scandals laced, the sword in his hand, set for the exodus, the long walk to Canaanland and like Elijah fed on the raven’s food twice, he fed regularly on the word for the journey was far. This is almost 40 years of that journey and the road is still far.
The early days were characterised with great crusades. Many came just hearing his voice. I remember (although I didn’t come from the crusades), that it was that voice that decided to stay back in TREM when my roommate from the University, Aniette in Evangel Voices brought me. I was sick with fever when I came but when the ‘lion’ roared, all the fever fled! I went back to the university campus, to my hall and practised what I saw, I searched the scriptures and I decided, ‘you know what? Though my parents may not know the name of this church, I will stay here!’
Yes, the crusades. DCN Emedom Ogbonna attended one and followed the man with the loudest voice back to his church. That was Evangelist Mike! In one crusade, rain fell everywhere but at the crusade ground because Evangelist Mike commanded it not to.
Away from crusade grounds, things were happening. A woman, a member of the young church was pregnant and started bleeding profusely, losing the baby, the lion roared, and the blood, stayed! The fruit of that pregnancy is now above 30 years Evangel Voices today named Austin.
His voice woke folks up in the morning through the radio of Imo Broadcasting Service. Many received hope, many signed up for Jesus, many more abandoned dead worship places and sought him out to join him; many received courage to start their ministries. Bro Buchi Ubany of Dunamis Publications, the publishers of this magazine, made the radio ministry; his church. Sister Helen Johnson of Ministry-In-Training came through his radio ministry. There are countless others. Every day, many waited to hear him. His word carried power and authority!
Today, at almost 70, Dr. Mike Okonkwo is still on top of his game, reaching out to men, to help them be truly men and take their place both in the home, in the market place and in the nation in his outreach to the men called, Men Can We Talk (MCWT). He is reaching fellow gospel ministers, polishing them and showing them the way in Communion of Covenant Ministers International (CCMI). He is reaching less privileged African nations, raising leaders and establishing them in African Invasion; he is not shying away from the needy either, he is lending a helping hand in Empowerment for the Less Privileged. The sick are not left out as Bishop Mike reaches out to them with medical and gifts across the nations. He is a voice in the nation of his birth and a man of integrity.
This is like a badge he wears. He has proved himself in many circles as an upright man, a genuine man of God, one with no guile. His stand for the word is unflinching. He often says, take everything and send me to the desert with the Bible and I will produce.
Dr. Mike Okonkwo believes God. He is a man of faith. The singular act of buying not a waterlogged area but buying water land and going ahead to subdue the land and build an ultra-modern cathedral on it, is nothing but a feat that can be done either by a mad man or a faith man! That the edifice stood, made him a faith man!
He believes that heaven is real. With one daughter and no scandal of mistress or hidden offspring anywhere in the world, make him a man who lives what he preaches! Today as he turns 69 with over 200 branches of TREM worldwide, spiritual sons and daughters all over the world (he said there’s no nation he is visited on the face of the earth without encountering someone who claims him as a father, a mentor or a pastor!).
As we climax the age, Dr. Mike Okonkwo climaxes his game.
HOW BISHOP MIKE OKONKWO RUNS TREM CHURCH • As Insider Reveals Shocking Things About Him @ 69
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