True love always wants to wait, so true love does not mind waiting until marriage. It is sad that the present society we are now has aversion for right things but the truth of the matter is that virginity is still one of the most precious things you have to give to your spouse, either as a male or female. Once you lose it, nothing in the world can bring it back. Many still don’t agree with me because they are of the opinion it doesn’t matter since they would soon get married. But we all know that the only thing that cannot change in life is change itself. So, the possibility always exists that you may for some reason or reasons decide against marrying the particular person you have been sexually bonded with. When this happens, you have, through sexual involvement, given a part of yourself to someone other than your spouse for life.
The fact still remains that if one succumbs to moral enticement before marriage, nothing may likely stop such fellow from giving in to moral enticement once married. If couples cannot control themselves before marriage, how will they be able to do so when married? The more promiscuous an individual is before marriage, the more likely such individual will be even when he or she is in a promising marital relationship. There have been cases of dating partners who are very okay sexually, but find it hard to find lasting love.
Of course, in sex saturated culture like ours, waiting till marriage seems out-dated. Contrary to popular opinion, those who choose to save sex for marriage are not doomed to a second-class sex life. Rather, research has shown that such people typically report higher levels of sexual satisfaction and marital contentment. Early sexual experience has been linked to marital dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and greater incidence of divorce. When pre marital sex becomes the reason for the marriage regardless of other important things, the marriage may lose taste. A typical marriage worth looking forward to entails good communication, friendship, playfulness, understanding and lots of sexual escapades.
We cannot rule out the fact that there will be zero or low risk of sexually transmitted diseases in a pre- marital relationship; even when you are married to a sexually inexperienced individual, the one beautiful joy of such union is that such spouse can learn and get better with experience in time, since both of you have a life time of learning together. And learning sexual skill together as married partners is not only entertaining, amusing and fun but the fact that both of you will discover new things together, grow together develop healthy and bonding wholesome sexual intimacy together is very thrilling and fascinating.
In addition, there will be no risk of unwanted pregnancy. Yes there are smart ways of preventing pregnancy. There is also high rate of family planning failure. From researchers, it has been discovered that premarital sex leads to emotional distress, distrust, regret and emptiness; even though people involved try to put up a bold face and pretend nothing happens, yet the emptiness is obvious. That’s because sex connects two people in body and spirit; it’s impossible to separate the two. Premarital sex always comes with consequences one way or the other.
This is a highly controversial view with different excuses. Yet, there is always a place for smooth running. You do not need to stay ‘well-informed’ with practical vaginal sex before you know how to do it better. There are lots of sexual information without practical that will still give you best information.
A researcher confirmed that the more people you have sex with does not make you better informed. He said that if you roll in the sack with five partners or 10 or 50, it will still not be enough. He further went on to say that, ‘how many of us really want our spouses should be that well informed, after rolling in the sack with countless of others?
They may become better informed about other things they never anticipated such as venereal diseases. Is it really worth “staying practically informed?” Many STDs are present without symptoms until the disease is far advanced. Treatment becomes difficult to diagnose and control. Rarely does a premarital sexual relationship last long enough to make it to marriage vows. People engaging in this activity will experience the heart rending emotional upset that comes with breaking up. And when people experience multiple breakups, it numbs them to a marriage commitment of “until death do us part.” They have conditioned themselves to run, instead of working out the problems that arise within marriages. Divorce statistics are higher when the couple engaged in premarital sex or lived together before deciding to marry. So learn before you leap.
My wife intimidates me sexually
I am newly married and my wife intimidates me sexually, though she is older, more experienced, has more financial base than I do. But honestly, I have completely lost out in the game. Now I am too scared of looking stupid to even try to give her an orgasm and I am finding it hard to come myself. The problem now is that for some time now, I cannot have erection because of the fear of not meeting up. Sometimes, she makes fun of the size and appearance of my penis, this has totally affected my confidence. A friend suggested that I cheat on her which I am seriously considering just to get my confidence back. Please, what do you think?
Mr Osyonirio
Take a deep breath, exhale slowly and get a grip. Your older, more experienced wife is enjoying herself. I think you should stop expecting too much from yourself. It takes time to build a sexual relationship with someone new and if your wife is as experienced as you say, she will not be expecting you to know all her needs but expecting to teach you. I would rather that you should be willing to learn. Besides, two wrongs can never make a right. You will be surprised that your friend’s advice will not only destroy your home but compound your problem. Wisely and lovingly talk things out with your wife. You have an enviable union, don’t destroy it.
I feel pain after a year off sex
I am 53-year-old wife, my husband and I have had a wonderful sex life. We never had a problem until three years ago when he took tablets for lowering cholesterol, which caused us not to have sex for about a year. When we tried again, I found it very painful not because of dryness; that has been taken care of with a gel you advised me to use. However, it feels like a ring around the outside edge of my vagina. It is like being cut with a knife on penetration and my legs would be vibrating at the same time. I have heard of Vaginismus but that is not what I am feeling. Is there a way out?
Mrs Abby
Definitely, quite a lot of medically prescribed drugs can cause loss of libido in men. Entering menopausal stage and staying off sex for a year would make you to experience pain when you ‘resumed’ after a year, because your vagina has been really out of practice and anything that is not put to use will not only debilitate but would wither rapidly. In addition, you are by now some years past menopause. Naturally, therefore, you would have a small degree of vaginal shrinkage since there are no natural supplies of the sex hormones again. You would need some of the female hormone oestrogen cream to be applied round the opening of your vagina while you constantly practise Kegel exercise alongside.
I only enjoy sex when I am violent
This is very disturbing and I think I urgently need your help. I am exceptionally in love with sex and I love my wife but unfortunately she is a very stubborn woman and will deliberately refuse me sex all the time. Initially, I had to beg her, buy gifts, help out with all mundane house chores just to be able to get in-between her legs once in a month. I paid her bride price fully, I do not see any reason why I have to go through such ordeal in order to get what is rightfully mine. So I resorted to violence. In short, I have practically been raping her for the past three years now. Sometimes I go to the extent of tying her hands and legs to the bed, tear off her bra and panties, spoil the door handle just to have my way. Now my problem is this, even when she willing submits to my sexual advances, I enjoy being brutal in one way or the other. The more violent I am, the more erotic sex is to me. As a matter of fact, if I do not go forcefully, I lose erection. Is this okay?
Oscar lomafo
This is not okay at all. You may not realise it but you are being addicted to violent sex and you are not only gradually killing the sexual feelings in your wife but you are also making her to become less emotionally attracted to you. As a matter of fact, she may not believe you are actually in love with her and in a matter of time, she may become emotionally attached to someone else who is much tender and respect her person sooner or later. Because to her, she is not only being raped, she is gradually being turned into a prostitute. One of the ruling laws of mutual sexual enjoyment is maximum masculine control and maximum feminine satisfaction, and when this is missing in your sexual relationship with your wife, you don’t have a good relationship. Also the ability to handle life’s gratification is one of the attributes of a responsible husband, father and a real man. I would suggest you deal with your raging sexual violence by going for sexual counselling which we offer; you will definitely come out clean. Meanwhile, keep loving your wife tenderly and gently.
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