A couple of days back, star actress Bimbo Thomas added another beautiful year, which was celebrated on a low key. Although, the versatile role interpreter didn’t disclose her real age to ENCOMIUM Weekly when we had a phone chat with her on Saturday, October 4, 2014, she was said to be in her early 30s.
We took her up on this and much more…
bimbo thomas 1What is happening to your career right now?
So many good and interesting stuffs. I’m moving on a slow but steady pace, I give all glory to God.
What exactly are you working on now?
A lot are on my desk, different projects from soaps to movies. I’m almost ready for my own project. I’ve been vigorously working on it for a while, taking my time to do the best in satisfying the demand of my fans. Now, I’m 70 percent ready to go; scripts perfected, locations set and all hands on deck. Just a little fix and I roll the camera.
How many years have you put into your career?
A decade and still counting.
How has the experience been?
All glory to God, it’s been wonderful, thrilling, awesome and gracious. I’m not perfect but God has made me. Sincerely, it might be rainy, sunny, stormy and tough but when the going gets tough, only the tough gets going. God has made me strong and my experience has been glorious.
Would you say you are fulfilled as an actress?
Yes. I have joy in what I do, passion for what I do and dreams of what to do. That’s fulfillment! So, I say I’m fulfilled but not accomplished.
A lot of your fans are expecting you to come out with your personal movie, why the delay?
First, I wholeheartedly apologize to all my fans for the delay, it’s for our good. As I said, I would not afford taking chances of producing below standard film for my fans. So, I’m taking every measure beyond comparison with screening aids to ensure they are certified. I’m pretty sure that my fans would not want me to settle for less; and these are my steps in compensating them for the delay.
You have been off the social radar for quite a while, what is the reason?
Off the social radar ke! Where did you get that? Anyway, I’m very much on the social radar. Though, I was out of the country for some projects, I’m back. Being pretty busy since I came back. As I speak with you, I just left a movie set yesterday. I quite understand that my fans need more of me. Here I am now, taking the bull by the horn.
What is your reaction on the incessant crisis rocking Yoruba movie sector?
We all are aware of crisis almost everywhere! So, I feel all we need do is to keep praying for our dear nation, Nigeria, for a structure that will be properly managed. The system is so unstructured, but we won’t relent individually to get better. Frankly speaking, sanitization is required.
A couple of days back you celebrated your birthday, how old are you?
I added a year.
Some said you are just 30, how true is it?
If I may counter that, could solid 30 be just? Anyway, it’s a lie. Tell the “some”, that I am not 30.
What is the significance of the age you clocked now in your life and career?
Commencement of a new era. Beginning of accomplished years. It’s a year all planned notions are to be executed.
Would you say being an actress has really given you your desired satisfaction?
Yea! I have joy, peace, love and every good thing. What more can I desire?
What has being an actress not done for you yet?
What is the truth about the tale that you were savouring a juicy romance with Koko Zaria? And that he even spoiled you silly with cash and gifts, including a car but now the romance has hit the rock, how true is it? The tale even added that he is threatening to withdraw the car, what is your reaction to this?
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