Popular Islamic Gospel Singer, Seidat Almubak Exposes Impersonator

Popular islamic gospel singer ‘Queen Asikiri’, real name “QUEEN SEIDAT ALMUBARAK”, has come out with claim of an impersonator, that has been tarnishing her image, stealing her shows, soliciting for funds and favours using her name. 
Queen Asikiri started her islamic music career in 1996 and had performed at numerous occassions in and outside the shores of the country.
Currently speaking from her base in New York, where she had being since September 2014, having given birth, she claims that the said impersonator uses the same stage name as hers, and goes by the name “Obaeda Alubarikaobi”.
In her words  “I started getting emails, phone calls from people accusing me of trolling their sites, and other messages letting me know someone was pretending to be me on some forum. I went to check, and sure enough there’s someone using my name, and someone else claiming to have “outed” them as me, dressing like me, using my name , email address, my Facebook profile, and my LinkedIn page. THIS IS DISTURBING! Her name is Obaeda Alubarikaobi, she has been blackmailing my name and I felt the need to voice out because it’s not funny anymore ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
She has run several scam against me impersonating me also begging and getting money from people recently she went to the extreme using my picture on city people magazine that she wants to celebrate  her 10years on stage inviting people to her event pretending to be me and I’m presently in New York and I Queensediat have been on stage over 19years.
I have now contacted city people magazine and they assured me that they will correct the issues on their end in their magazine. I have called Obaeda Alubarikaobi A.K.A Fake Queenseidat  several times to warn her but she refused to listen.
I have reported her to law enforcement and took the necessary  steps I need to take on this Issue. I did my house warming she claims to be the one that did it, I bought a car she claims to be the one, I mean so many things and people always mistake her for me because we look alike but I need to make people aware of the impersonator of Queenseida Almubarak to clear myself out and protect my name from the mess she put me in here.
On the left,Real QUEEN Seidat Almubarak. Right, fake Seidat
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