Latest Job at Mercy Corps Nigeria

Mercy Corps, International Humanitarian Organisation is looking for a suitable candidate to fill a very strategic position within our ENGINE Program. We are looking for motivated individuals, members of targeted community ready and willing to work in dynamic team.


The Educating Nigerian Girls in New Enterprises (ENGINE) project aims to improve the learning outcomes and economic status of marginalised adolescent girls aged 16-19 years in Kano, Kaduna, FCT and Lagos, Nigeria. ENGINE is funded through a grant to the Coca-Cola Company as part of the UK Department for International Development’s Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC).  Safeguarding children is an integral part of girl focused programming to ensure that beneficiaries are protected from all forms of abuse or neglect, preventing impairment to their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.

Mercy Corps (MC) and her implementing partners are committed tocreating and maintaining the safest possible environment for project girls. To ensure this, MC has developed a Safeguarding Policy and now seeks to map relevant child protection agencies and structures within Local Government Areas of intervention (Epe, Somolu/Bariga, Kososfe, Ojo and Alimosho) in Lagos state. This mapping will be used as an important resource and reference tool for MC and partners on child protection. The successful consultant would physically visit intervention communities within the aforementioned LGAs and would develop a comprehensive report with specific attention to the referral component and as articulated in 3 below.

a) To develop a robust local map of the child protection community including agencies and structures in Lagos state.

b)  To develop a detailed resource and reference tool for MC and partners on child protection issues.

The successful consultant is expected to visit and provide verifiable information from the five LGAs of intervention in Lagos. The below specific outputs are deliverables expected from this consultancy.

a.  Develop a DETAILEDlocal mapping for Lagos including details on the statutory age of consent, marriage, labour & which agency is responsible for child protection in each of the intervention LGA.

b. Develop a ROBUST child protection structure and community protection platforms available in each of the intervention LGA.

c. Recommend a referral network with VERIFIABLE contact details.

Time frame
10 working days with start date from when contact has been signed. (First draft report is to be submitted immediately after the mapping and final copy submitted not later than one week after mapping).

The selected consultant must be:
An expert on child protection and girls programming
An expert with proven skills and ability to develop a robust referral network guide which can be used by MC and partners
Should have good report writing skills

The selected consultant will demonstrate the following competencies:

1) Thorough knowledge and expertise on child protection & its networks within the Nigerian context; a working knowledge of Lagos and its communities will be an advantage

2) Proven experience in developing similar local mapping resource tools

3)Ability to work autonomously and attention to detail

Interested applicants should email their CV, cover letter outlining specific relevant work experience and daily consultancy rate to:

Consultant should be resident in Lagos and have a good understanding of the aforementioned LGAs.

All applications must include the position title (Child Protection Mapping Consultant - Lagos) in the subject line.  Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

We are an equal opportunity organization and we encourage women to apply to these positions.

DUE DATE: 3 April, 2015
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