Girl Hub is a strategic collaboration between the Department for International Development (DFID) and the NIKE Foundation, designed to bring together the expertise of both organisation to transform the lives of adolescent girls. Our aim is to shift the social norms that hold girls back, and drive better investment that directly benefit girls.
We are recruiting to fill the position of:
The Kano state government has shown commitment and investment in girls' education through the provision of services and funds to support girls' education. However, the manner in which these services have been provided, albeit, well intentioned, have been mostly based on the interest and commitment of the Governor and not necessarily on a well-grounded policy. The concern, therefore, is that a change in government could result in a reversal of these education programmes of government, if the new government does not have as much interest in girls' education as the present one. To prevent this from happening, GHN wishes to work with the Kano state government to develop a comprehensive girls' education policy. The purpose of this consultancy is to develop a draft education policy for Kano state based on the policy pronouncements of the government and best practices from around the world.
The consultant will:
Consult will all relevant Kano state government officials to understand the programmes for girls education in the state and get their buy in for a girls education policy.
Review all Kano state government policies, policy statements and pronouncements on girls education.
Consult with other education programmes in Kano state (ESSPIN, dRPC, and others) to understand existing interventions for girls education in Kano state.
Review other girls education policies from around the world.
Produce a report that details all the findings in Kano state including challenges, interventions and successes in girls education by government, donors and NGOs .
Produce a draft policy document which will incorporate the Kano government's policy statements and already existing programmes for girls as well as best practices from around the world .
Conduct a debriefing session for GHN and relevant Kano state government officials.
Finalize the draft document incorporating comments from the debriefing sessions.
A relevant degree in Education, Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences or Education.
Good understanding of the Kano state education landscape (Education Ministries, SUBEB or Secondary Schools Management Board or other relevant parastatal.)
Good experience with policy formulation
Good networks within Kano state government
Excellent oral, written, presentation and communications skills in English.
Knowledge of partners working in the state on girls' secondary school education.
Knowledge of emerging global education trends.
Having worked in Education system is an added advantage.
A concept note detailing how the study will be undertaken
A detailed activity based timetable for the work
A report that details all the findings in Kano state including challenges, interventions and successes in girls education by government, donors and NGOs
A debriefing session for GHN and relevant Kano state government officials
A draft policy document which will incorporate the Kano government's policy statements and already existing programmes for girls as well as best practices from around the world.
To increase investments for adolescent girls and influence the Nigerian government/ development programmes in favour of adolescent girls, Girl Hub Nigeria will like to understand:
What international framework that benefit adolescent girls e.g. – CEDAW, CRC, etc., is Nigeria signed up to and to what extent have they been domesticated.
What policies and programmes are in place at the state and federal government level that address or have the potential to address adolescent girls’ needs
Donors/Develop Partners:
Who are the donors and INGOs in Nigeria (including those without a physical presence in Nigeria but fund initiatives in the country?)
What are their thematic and geographical areas of focus?
What programmes are they implementing in Nigeria?
Which ones target girls or have the potential to benefit girls?
What are their major challenges in implementing projects/programmes for girls?
Consultancy Objective
To carry out a thorough scoping of government policies and programmes, and donor and development partner initiatives across Nigeria, in order to inform Girl Hub’s understanding of the development landscape, as it relates to adolescent girls.
Provide a detailed list of all government policies and programmes at the state and federal level (if any) that directly target adolescent girls
Provide a detailed list of all government policies and programmes at the state and federal level (if any) that indirectly target adolescent girls
Provide a detailed list of all government policies and programmes at the state and federal level (if any) that may be detrimental to adolescent girls
Provide a detailed list of the donors and INGOs in Nigeria
Identify their thematic and geographical areas of focus
Identify which ones target girls and what are the programmes/projects they are funding for girls
Identify the programmes/projects not directly targeting girls but have the potential to benefit girls
Identify what are their major challenges in implementing projects/programmes for girls
Identify the entry points and potentials for Girl Hub to partner and influence these initiatives
Provide key contact details for the development partners identified
Consultant(s)/Consulting firm Deliverables:
Submit an inception report within one week of commissioning, that reflects understanding of Girl Hub’s unique intervention approach and strategy, a comprehensive methodology for the assignment and detailed workplan with timelines
Develop data collection tools / frameworks.
Conduct desk research and interviews as required to effectively map government policies and programmes as described above
Conduct all desk research and interviews with donor/development partners as required to meet information gathering objectives
Submit a draft report of findings and recommendations for review by Girl Hub. The draft report will be commented on and returned to you within one week of submission
Produce a revised final report latest one week after the receipt of the draft report comments
Master degree in Public Policy, Business, International Development, or related field
At least 10 years’ experience in working with development partners. Knowledge of the donor landscape in Nigeria will be an advantage
Demonstrated experience with similar public or development sector landscaping projects
Strong written and oral communication skills in English required, including report development, writing and editing.
With its strong links with the Nike Foundation, GHN considers the private sector a key partner in Nigeria. The private sector has the resources and expertise to provide the skills and services girls need to improve their lives. In the last decade or more, many multinational and national companies have become more development oriented in their business approach, increasing their CSR and creating foundations. Some notable examples include the ENGINE project which is a partnership between Coca Cola, Nike, DiLight, Mercy Corp and Girl Hub; The Girls Education project which is a partnership between Oando, Clinton Foundation and the British Council, etc.
To increase investments for girls, Girl Hub needs to know what social initiatives private sector organizations are investing in, both in general as well as for girls in particular. It is in this regard that GHN is seeking the services of a consultant to carry out a thorough scoping of private sector initiatives that are or could be relevant to girls, across the five geo-political zones of Nigeria
Consultancy Objective
To identify all possible private sector entities directly or indirectly financing/engaged in development with particular focus on existing private sector entities supporting initiatives for adolescent girls.
The analysis should aim to look across the themes of education, health, safety and violence, economic empowerment and girl's voice, rights and participation.
To collect detailed information on the nature, scope, terms and level of their engagement in development with particular focus on initiatives for girls
To identify potential areas of investment for girls (e.g. new assets and services) that are not currently being invested in, but would be appropriate and interesting for private sector organisations to consider
Scope of Work:
Provide an overview of what private sector initiatives exist for girls, across each of the country's six geopolitical zones and the thematic areas outlined above, as well as initiatives that could be tweaked to support adolescent girls.
Provide an overview of the different investment models to consider including corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, inclusive business (i.e. low income consumers), and private sector development (i.e. investing in entrepreneurship) and provide possible entry points for GHN to collaborate.
Provide detail on the objectives and target beneficiaries, activities being delivered and their geographic reach, any other partners/donors involved in the funding or implementation of the initiative, and total scope of financial commitment (categorized according to cash and in-kind contributions).
Identify entry points and potential for Girl Hub to partner and influence these initiatives.
Provide key contact details for the companies identified as prospects.
Consultant(s)/Consulting firm Deliverables
Submit an inception report within one week of commissioning, that reflects understanding of Girl Hub's unique intervention approach and strategy, a comprehensive methodology for the assignment and detailed workplan with timelines.
Develop data collection tools / frameworks.
Conduct all desk research and interviews with private sector actors as required to meet information gathering objectives.
Draft a mapping report that serve as a reliable reference tool for GHN in identifying which of these private sector initiatives there would be value in, and opportunity to, partner with and influence, and potentially secure funding from for Girl Hub’s activities.
Submit a draft report of findings and recommendations for review by Girl Hub. The draft report will be commented on and returned to you within one week of submission.
Produce a revised final report latest one week after the receipt of the draft report comments.
Degree in Business, International Development, or related field.
At least 10 years'; experience in working with the private sector on development issues
Demonstrable experience with similar mapping exercises
Very good knowledge of private sector investment (CSR, inclusive business, sustainability)
Strong written and oral communication skills in English required, including report development, writing and editing.
The Monitoring, Learning and Results Consultant will be required to provide short-term support, on a full-time basis, for a number of different monitoring and research projects currently underway and in development.
The consultant will be expected to play a key role in guiding GHN staff and other relevant stakeholders across design, training, quality assurance and project management aspects of the work.
Act as M&E lead for the mid-year review of a programme of work being delivered with INGO partners.
Responsibilities to include commissioning and managing fieldwork agency, overseeing effective design of sampling, qualitative methods and tools, training fieldwork agency, quality assuring fieldwork through field visits, reviewing development of analysis and reporting frameworks, and quality assuring reporting.
Act as M&E lead on a curriculum review for a partner-led Safe Spaces programme.
Supervise and monitor a local research agency in the delivery of training and fieldwork support/supervision for girls utilising mobile technology for a participatory peer research project.
This will include contributing to training workshops, feeding into design of research study, conducting field visits to quality assure and ensure girl safeguarding standards are being met.
Manage up to three individual consultants delivering research studies that will feed into Girl Hub strategy and planning between March and May 2015, ensuring that research frameworks and reporting are co-ordinated and complimentary across studies.
The MLR consultant will facilitate quality assurance review and revision of reports to bring to completion.
Manage monitoring and reporting for in-house training and development activities.
Support information gathering and facilitation of any required country visits from external consultants working on Girl Hub Nigeria research and evaluation activities.
Provide technical research support to the Girl Hub Nigeria Insights team, and support the implementation of any additional monitoring, evaluation and learning processes and systems as required
Ensure all monitoring, evaluation and research activities are conducted in line with agreed ethical principles, and consistently promote downwards accountability to beneficiaries.
Ensure all monitoring, evaluation and research activities are conducted in line with Girl Hub’s girl safeguarding policy.
Work with required GHN London staff on a regular basis and promote programme and organisational knowledge management and learning
Participate and contribute in Team meetings, off-sites and the Country Strategy Planning process as required.
The MLR Consultant will report directly to the GHN Country Director.
The consultant will also take technical direction, where required, from the Girl Hub London MLR team and will join fortnightly global MLR calls to report on GHN MLR activities and progress.
At the end of the assignment, the Consultant will prepare a report documenting progress and achievements against the above-cited outputs/results.
The report will also provide comprehensive handover notes for any ongoing MLR work.
This report will be in addition to any project-related reporting required as part of completion of the deliverables outlined above.
The incumbent is expected to possess the following qualifications:
Post-graduate degree in the Social Sciences, International Development or other related field.
Seven to ten years work experience, including consulting in M&E areas directly related to GHN’s objectives.
Experience coordinating research programmes and managing fieldwork teams;
Experience with participatory approaches;
Experience with qualitative research methods and data analysis;
Ability to provide guidance to consultants in the delivery of research and field work
Strong communication and organizational skills, and the ability to act as a ‘super translator’ working with people from different professional disciplines in the private and public sectors;
Proficiency in English with excellent oral and written communications skills.
Experience quality assuring research in the field and willingness to undertake field visits to locations in Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Kaduna (security conditions permitting).
Fully proficient in the following software applications: Word, Excel, and Power point.
Passionate commitment to realizing the potential of girls.
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications to: with the subject "Education Policy Consultant"
Application Process
The application should include:
Curriculum vitae of the consultant(s) who will undertake this assignment, the CV should include relevant experience, names and addresses of organizations where similar work has been carried out.
A budget for the assignment.
A concept note detailing how the study will be undertaken.
A detailed activity based timetable for the work.
DUE DATE: 17 March, 2015
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