Established in 1915, Helen Keller International (HKI) works to save the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We combat the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research in vision, health and nutrition. Headquartered in New York City, HKI currently conducts programs in 22 countries in Africa and Asia as well as in the United States.


National Primary Health Care Development Agency Nigeria –Terms of Reference for Content Developer to develop standardized training modules (online and offline) for the health workers

National Primary Health Care Development Agency Nigeria (NPHCDA)
The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) was established by Decree 29 of 1992 in order to sustain the federal assistance to states and local governments in provision of primary health care (PHC) services.  The agency is to support the states and local governments in developing a sustainable system of PHC services that are accessible, affordable and of good quality through the participation of individuals, families and communities in partnership with government and non-governmental organizations.

At the 53rd National Council on Health in March 2010, the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week (MNCH Week) was adopted by the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH). Institutionalizing the MNCHW, is one of the priority actions needed to achieve the first strategic objective of the 2007 Integrated Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Strategy which is to improve access to good quality health services in order to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health.  The NPHCDA serves as the co-ordinating body and provides resource mobilization with partners at different levels for effective co-ordination, build capacity of health workers, provide guidelines, training and support states for effective implementation of MNCH Weeks

NPHCDA, partners with many stakeholders to implement the bi-annual campaign on Vitamin A Supplementation through the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week (MNCH) Week. The MNCH week is a weeklong event that aims to deliver a package of high-impact, low-cost maternal, newborn and child health interventions, proven to be highly effective in both reducing mortality rates and improving mother and child health. These interventions include Focused Antenatal Care (FANC), immunization, vitamin A supplementation and de-worming, zinc/lo-ORS, nutrition assessment, long lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) distribution, birth registration, health promotion (hand washing, early initiation and exclusive --- feeding (EBF), adequate complementary feeding (ACF), hygiene and sanitation and  HCT).

Post evaluation coverage survey (PECS) recently carried out by HKI in some states showed that most caregivers got information about MNCH week through several means but those who knew the benefits of the campaign, heard through the health workers. Meanwhile only very few number of health workers knew the primary reason for the administration of  the intervention administered to children while most of the health workers had poor knowledge of the importance of the interventions.

NPHCDA in collaboration with stakeholders wants to introduce a standardized training module with comprehensive content using the National MNCH week training manual and materials for healthcare providers at National, state and Local government levels.  NPHCDA wants to engage a content developer to develop the content for the online and off-line training package that will be used for the training of frontline health workers at the National, state and local government levels for the MNCH week campaigns.

Purpose of the Request for Proposal
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a Content developer to develop standardized training modules (online and offline) for the health workers at the national, state and LGA levels. The training module will improve the quality of training provided during MNCH week to the frontline health workers in the LGAs, states and national levels.

Preparation of the Proposal
NPHCDA and HKI-Nigeria will not reimburse expenses including travel expenses incurred by the consultant in the preparation of the proposal and (or) in the negotiation of the eventual contract ensuing. However, authorized travel costs to project sites outside will be paid for by HKI to the consultant. The contract will be negotiated in Abuja.

NPHCDA Nigeria requires the services of a training consultant to specifically perform the following tasks:
•Review MNCH week November 2014 state and LGA level training in the three  (3) states
•Develop content for the module as follows:

General Overview of  MNCHW
Historical perspective of MNCH week
Stages of planning for MNCH week
Delivery system
Overview of vitamin A
Importance of vitamin A as a childhood survival intervention
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and ways to prevent VAD
Method of administering vitamin A and dosages
Importance of deworming and vitamin A, Nutrition Screening, Zinc and Lo-ORS administration to different target age group
Method of administering deworming tablets and dosages
Importance of Iron folate to target age
Method of administering iron folate and dosages
Zn /Low osmolar ORS for management of diarrhea for children
Importance of MUAC screening
Steps of carrying out MUAC screening
Action to be taken with results
C.Routine Services/ Immunization
Importance of Immunization
Method of administering vaccines
Importance of vaccines (OPV, BCG, PENTA & TT) to target age groups
Management of AEFI cases
D.Other Interventions
The strategies, mode of administration, doses, and ways of implementing other interventions.
Malaria control- LLINs distribution and IPTs /SPs for pregnanat women
Birth registration.
Promotion of Key Household Practices: focus attenatal Care (FANC), Optimal infant feeding practices (EBF & ACF), Hygiene practices, Basic Sanitation, Personal hygiene including Hand washing, HCT, Family Planning Commodities.
E.Data Collection
Importance of data collection and ways of data collection using the national  data tools including checklists
Rapid SMS and verification
Essence of data quality
•Develop standardized internet, video and CD training modules for the National , state, LGA and Health Facility  levels
•Develop simplified standardized video and CD training modules for the LGA level
•Develop training assessment tool for the different levels
•Train National and HKI staff on the use of training module
•Facilitate pre-testing of the developed modules in at least three HKI supported states
•Debrief to Technical committee
•Submit detailed reports on;
The content development for the training modules for all levels
Showing Modules for Development workshop
a.A standardized training module that will be easy to use, highly effective and can communicate to the target audience.

Consultant contract signed19/12/14
Job descriptions finalized 18/12/14
Review MNCHW state level and LGA level training in three states8/01/15
Review the January 2014 PECS result on knowledge of MNCHW and vitamin A8/01/15
Develop content for the module22/01/15
Develop standardized training modules for the National and state levels28/01/15
Develop simplified standardized training modules for the LGA level12/02/15
Train HKI / National Staff on the use of training modules 23/02/15
Field testing by National  staff /HKI and consultant25/02/15

Final report 18/03/15

Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required:
•An advanced University degree in one of the following fields: Nutrition, Public health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics
•At least five years of progressively responsible professional work experience in nutrition and/or public health in program/project development, planning and M&E.
•Familiarity with the  implementation and/or Monitoring of MNCH week is necessary
•Given the wide nature of MNCH week, the lead Consultant may engage other expertise for effective coverage of other content on immunization, maternal health among others.
•Skills in information, Communication and Technology will be an added advantage.

Request for information

Proposals (not CV) should be sent to:

A.Mrs Chinwe Joy Ezeife
Deputy Director/Head MNCH-Nutrition,
Department of Community Health Services
National Primary Health Care Development Agency
Plot 681/682 Port Harcourt Crescent, Area 11, Garki
Abuja, Nigeria.

B.Olayinka Chuku
Acting VAS Coordinator
HKI Nigeria
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