-Culled From Dr. OLUKOYA’s Book On Water

Let us consider certain deep truths concerning water. Water is unavoidable. Water constitutes one of the most abundant resources on earth. Both, the rich and the poor have access to water. Water is vital for all known forms of life. Water dissolves different substances. Water is the only natural substance that is found in three states. Water comes in form of liquid. It comes in a solid form as ice. It comes in an appearance of gas, as steam. Hence, water can come up in forms like liquid, solid and gas.
Those who are conversant with the art of swimming know that there is a difference between what happens when you are outside water and when you are fully submerged in it. When submerged in water, there is an entire change of sensation. Air is no longer felt. Breathing is no longer possible. The vision of the person under water changes automatically. You can no longer stand the way you stand on land. Water will begin to move you around
These are parts of the mystery of water. Water is the means of motion for all the materials on the earth. Food must be combined with water for it to taste well and be received into the stomarch. When dry food is placed on dry tongues there would be no taste whatsoever. Water provides the matrix of conception. Water also provides the pre-natal environment of the body. At birth, water accounts for 80% of the weight of the baby, water is indispensable to human life. Water is used to brush, shower, wash and fix meals. Little will be achieved on earth without water. In fact, life will be difficult if not impossible without water.
Do you know that 70% of the human body is made up of water? A lot of people do not know that the human body is mostly water. Many do not understand this. Hence, some people come to the deliverance ground complaining about things moving inside their body. They do not understand the fact that things could actually move around the mass of water inside the human body. Something could be swimming about in the water in your body.
The body of man can survive for a few weeks without food. For example, somebody can survive without food for 40 days with no serious havoc on your body. But nobody can survive for that long without waters. Water is absolutely necessary for keeping your body in good shape water aids the regulation of your blood streams. It also aids regulating you body temperature. The Oxygen which you breathe in is conveyed into every part of your body by water. The nutrients which you obtain from food and drinks that are consumed are passed through all part of your body by water.
Water is a natural lubricant for all joints in the human body. Water aids digestion. This explains why water is prominently mentioned in the Scriptures. Infact water is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. Here, is the first mention of the word water.
75% of the earth is water. The greater part of our body contain water. Our brain is mostly 85% water. Our muscles are made up of 75% water. Every cell in the human body needs water to survive. Water is an essential ingredient to the human body. The dangerous liquids we inhale, touch and have contact with are brought out through perspiration, excreta and urine. The joints in the human body are protected by water. Water helps us to maintain the temperature of the body, water keeps us from dehydrating. Water does a lot for the human body. When the functions of water are removed from the human body, there would be lots of problem and inconveniences.
The following problems come up when the body is deprived of water.
(1.) Thirst. When thirst becomes acute, the entire body gets uncomfortable. You may not know how much and how desperate you need water until you are very thirsty.
(2.) Dry Eyes: When the body is deprived of water, your eye become dry. For human emotion to be in good shape, there must be enough moist in the eyes. Absence of water in the eyes leads to discomfort.
(3.) Fluctuating Blood Pressure: When the body lacks water the blood pressure will begin to fluctuate. To enjoy good health you blood pressure must be good and stable.
(4.)Blood clot. Lack of water leads to the clothing of blood. The human blood is kept in a healthy shape when there is adequate water. Withdraw water from the body and blood will begin to clot.
(5.) Impaired Kidney Functions: When there is enough water the Kidney will continue to function properly. Immediately the body is deprived of water the kidney is affected. Good water ensures that the Kidney remains healthy.
(6.) Heart failure: There are lots of instances of heart failure due to absence of water. When you deprive the body of adequate water supply, the heart is prone to accidental failure. When the heart fails, death is inevitable.
(7.)Constipation: Lack of adequate water in the body breeds constipation. Constipation can lead to other dangerous conditions.
(8.) Dry Itchy Skin: Deprive the body of water and you will experience dry itchy skin.
(9.) Urinary Track Infection: One of the consequence of inadequate water supply into the body in urinary tract infection. With constant flow of water, such infections are flushed out. But when there is no water, the urinary track becomes infected.
(10.) Headaches: When you deprive the body of adequate water, there will be serious headache.
It is also possible that lack of water can lead to death. I know the essential role player by water in life. God in His own wisdom decided to combine water with sand or mud in order to make man. Experts in geography and population study have discovered that the highest population of human beings of found around locations of water or rivers. Big cities are located along major water ways. Hence, large cities like London, Paris, Montreal, New York and Chicago, are located around rivers or seas.
Did you know that 80% of all living things in the universe can found in water?
The water kingdom is a different world entirely wonder in the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the water since God knew that the realm of water would play a crucial role in human life. God was not ready to leave the realm o0f waters, seas and oceans for demons to inhabit and dominate. When the Spirit of God however around waters it shows that there is a divine priority that realm.
We need to pray today and bring the power and influence of Holy Spirit back to our water, internationally. We must pray fire into rivers and seas in our communities, nation and continently Marine power must be dislodged or evicted.
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